This fasting and prayer movement will only succeed in bringing transformation and revival to Denmark, IF God is leading it. It must be Him who is the initiator and it must also be Him, that gives it power and guidance. If this movement is anything else than God´s, it will only be able to make minor changes in Denmark.
Remember the rolemodel for a humanbeing, that Jesus gave us. He only did the things, that He saw His Father doing (John 5:19+31) and He only said, what His Father wanted Him to say (John 12:49-50). He was the only perfect and flawless humanbeing to ever live, but His perfection did not make Him any less dependent on God. On the contrary. He taught His disciples, how they should live in utter dependence on Him. John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” This same truth can also be declared over the “Fasting for Denmark”- movement. If it has its source in Jesus and stays connected to Him, then it will bear many fruits. But if not, it will wither and die. In short, it must be “born of God” to overcome the powers of this world (1 John 5:4).
But for something to be “born of God” does not mean, that every single detail must be dictated by God. That is not the way God works. For He doesn´t want to treat us as robots and make all the decisions by himself. He wants to save Denmark through a close and living cooperation with humans, like you and me. Humans, who are willing to stand together with Jesus in the gap … and stay there.
All in all this means, that God must be this movements true leader, but that He intends to lead it through the likes of me and you. I am Peter Tinggaard and I am the one that God has led to start this movement, and this also includes carrying the vision for the movement on a daily basis. Normally I prefer to let others do the leading, but this time I felt it was time to step up and take the lead. However, I wont be leading the movement alone. Shortly after God gave me the vision, I started contacting different prayer leaders in the country to stand together with me. Leaders that I know have a passion for seeing transformation in Denmark as well. These leaders will help me guide and lead this movement.
But I also expect God to use YOU and many other intercessors from Denmark to give prophetic words, words of wisdom and sound advice to the movement, as we step by step follow after God´s dream for revival and breakthrough for Denmark. So if God speaks anything to you concerning “Fasting for Denmark”, please feel free to share it with us.