Main Leader

A brief presentation of Peter Tinggaard – especially for those who do not know me.

I was born in Kenya in 1975, where my parents, Ove and Anne-Marie Tinggaard, were missionaries. We moved back to Denmark in 1987 (when I was 12 years old), and since then I have mostly lived in Denmark. When I finished my 3 years of high school my personal plan was to become a high school teacher in Chemistry and Maths, but God had other plans. He filled me with a desire to study His word, during a 5 month discipleship training school I attended in 1994, and so I changed my plans and chose to study theology at Aarhus university (from 1996-2004).

Towards the end of my first year at the university, God started to capture my heart for prayer – and the following years He drew me deeper and deeper into the world of prayer. I read many books on prayer, and they challenged and inspired me to spend many hours in prayer. During these years a become more and more sure, what God´s main plan for my life was. He did not want me to become an ordinary pastor or a Bible teacher. My main calling was instead to raise up a new generation of intercessors for Denmark.

With this understanding in mind I chose to take a 3 month prayerschool (with YWAM in Norway), while I was writing my last papers at the university. For I wanted to learn more about my calling. God blessed me in many ways during those 3 months – also giving me a Norwegian wife. We got married in 2004 and since then most of my life has been set apart for prayer. Together we led a 3 month prayerschool in 2005 (the same one I had taken) and after that we moved back to Randers in Denmark. It was around this time, that God challenged me to only work part time (max 20 hours a week), so that I would have more time and energy to pray. Four years later He challenged me to take another step of faith. Now God wanted me to live without a regular income, because He wanted us to trust Him for our provision. He wanted me to focus my time and energy towards praying for Denmark and towards raising up a new generation of intercessors.

My wife and I started our journey into fulltime ministry by becoming full time workers at a YWAM training center, close to Randers. Our plan was to pioneer a new prayerministry at this center. During our time there (21 months) I finished and published two books, that I had been working on for many years: my first book on prayer, Gud sprænger alle rammer, and our first childrens book, Max og Mikro (it is a parable on prayer for kids). I also wrote most of our second book on prayer, while working at this trainingcenter. But other than these books we were not successful in our assignment. I had too many jobs and responsibilities that required my time at the trainingcenter, so I struggled to find enough time and energy to do what I was called to do.

In 2011 we moved to Aalborg instead – where we still live. While in Aalborg we finished and released three more books on prayer; “at bede sammen” (on praying in groups), “Mægtige kilder af visdom” (with more than 400 quotes on prayer) and “Du vandt mit hjerte” (with a CD of 8 prayersongs recorded). I also joined (prayerhouse Denmark) at this time, and I started doing prayer seminars all over the country.

If you want to read more about Peter, then feel free to check out his personal homepage (in danish):

Fasting for Denmark