Requirements for Membership

Before you sign up as one of our fasting intercessors please take a little time to read, what our basic expectations are. We have chosen to make our minimum requirements mild and doable, so that everyone can join us – if they desire to. However, this should not lead everyone to do as little as possible for Denmark.

We believe that God will lead many of you to do more than our minimum requirements. In fact, we are praying that God will use these one day fasts (of various kinds) to inspire you to fast even more. Keep in mind, though, that we are not fasting to impress anyone, but to present ourselves as living sacrifices to God (Rom 12,1). Our goal should not be to do as much as possible, but instead to let the Holy Spirit guide us step by step.


These are our requirements for those, who want to sign up as members of “Fasting for Denmark”

1) Choose for yourself which weekday you will fast and pray for Denmark, and share this with us, when you fill out our sign up sheet. However, if your program for a particular week makes it difficult or impossible to fast on your chosen weekday, then you are welcome to pick another weekday for this particular week.

2) Before you join “Fasting for Denmark”, we expect you to read both the vision for the movement and also the story of how God led Peter to start this fasting movement. Our main dream is to prepare the way for revival in Denmark, and we expect you to share this dream with us. We believe, that God is looking for watchmen to stand in the gap – and this will be one of our main focuses when we fast. (Read the following pages if you haven´t already done so: The Vision1. The Picture of the Dam2. Watchmen for Denmark3. The Birth of the Vision4. Dreaming of Revival  )

3) On your day of fasting we have the following requirements:

a) That you fast on this day. We encourage our members to do a regular fast (water only or liquid only), if you are able to do this, but you can also choose to do a partial fast (a Daniel fast), or another kind of fast, that you know will help you to focus on praying for Denmark. (You can read more about the different kinds of fasts HERE )

b) Set apart at least half an hour on this day to pray for Denmark and to open your heart for God.

c) Make sure to minimize as much as possible the use of things, that will draw your attention away from God. Eg. Television, computer games, Facebook, etc. For most people it is a good idea to fast completely from such distractions. (Andrew A. Bonar quote: “Fasting is abstaining from anything that hinders prayer.”)

d) Take time to read the “Focus of the Week”- devotion text, so that you can focus your thoughts and your prayers on the same things, that the rest of our intercessors will be focused on.

e) Your motives are important. Remember, we are fasting for God and not to impress other people. Give God room and opportunity to speak into your life on your day of fasting.

4) We expect God to speak to you. So be ready to share what God speaks to you – if it seems right to share it with the leaders of “Fasting for Denmark”. You can write to us using this email:


Fasting for Denmark